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Electric yellows are one of the more peaceful African Cichlids and will get along well with most of their tank mates. Both males and females of the electric yellow are deep yellow in colour and develop black anal, pectoral and dorsal fins (more prominent in males as they mature).

They are originally from Lake Malawi in Tanzania, Africa.

The Electric Yellow should be kept in hard alkaline water with a pH between 7.5 and 8.5. They are reasonably tolerant of low water conditions, although this is not recommended. The water temperature should be between 24°c – 26°c, though slightly lower or higher temperatures are tolerated well.

The aquarium should include a fine substrate, hardy plants, caves, and rocks. They should be kept in the largest possible tank, with a recommended size of about 200 litres.

The Electric Yellow is considered to be one of the most placid African cichlids, however they are still known to be territorial. They will show aggression towards fish of similar body shape and color.

Electric Yellow cichlids can be kept with most other African cichlids of similar size and aggression. Their semi-aggressive nature makes them incompatible with most african cichlid community fish.

The Electric Yellow is an omnivore that will readily consume meaty foods and greens such as brine shrimp, commercial frozen cichlid food, and vegetable-based flakes and pellets. Like most fish, overfeeding should be avoided.


  • Species – Labidochromis Caeruleus
  • Common Name – Electric Yellow
  • Origin – Lake Malawi
  • Diet – Omnivore
  • PH Range – Alkaline
  • Water Type – Hard
  • Temperature – Tropical 24°c – 26°c
  • Breed Type – Mouth brooder
  • Grows to approximately 10cm
  • Sex – Un-sexed

Electric Yellow Cichlid - Labidochromis Caeruleus

  • Weight - 0.1kg

    Size - 5cm x 5cm x 10cm